Sometimes you need to look for your soul...
It's strange the moments you stand in life, trying to look for it...
You look so hard that you forget what actually you are looking for...
Sometimes you need time...
Time to think of who you are and why are you here.
Time to realise it's not about that...
It's about the little thongs that shows your presence... shows what you're made of.
Sometimes you need to let go and just feel the moment...
Stop trying...
Stop thinking...
Stop pretending...
Just be you.
Maria J. P.
From Austrália
Mi amor la vida se esta asiendo mas grande… Cada vês que me alejo de aqui… Cada ves que me pongo a pensar en ti. Mi amor a l aluna es la noche oscura… Y sin reflejo a tus ojos que me ayudan a seguir. Mi amor mi vida, mi ilusion esta en la noche… Que no ves en la noches que extranas… Esse amanecer en que la vida es más larga. Mi todo es estar aqui como tu estar alla… Pero algun dia vere.
Mar From United States of America
I just said: Thank you...